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Effeminate gay definition

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You’ve seen it all before… a gay man gets upset or super excited – and suddenly it’s the end of the World. Filed under Adjective, American, Definition, Exclamation, Gay, Male, Phrase, Slang, Verb and tagged: Catch-Phrases, Fun to Say, Things I Do, Things I Say.Related: mince, mincer, mincing, minced, minces to speak with an affected elegance or pretense. (of a person) to be in an effeminate or feminine position: to mince around.Ģ. (of the gait, speech, behavior, etc.) affectedly dainty, nice, or elegant. having an effeminate or feminine appearance, position or attitude: a mincing walk.Ģ. Most likely derived from “mincing ” the act of cutting items into small pieces – the phrase came to be synonymous with taking small, dainty steps or speaking in an overly dainty or elegant manner.ġ. “Mincing” describes actions that a man (gay or straight) might make which appear to be odd or even give the impression of femininity or effeminence. In gay terms, it can be described similarly, as a mixture of coiffed aged fruit, distilled in spirits and silibate “S’s,” and sometimes a bit of meat. Traditionally, “mince” is a term used to describe cutting things into tiny pieces, or that tasty mixture of chopped dried fruit, distilled spirits and spices, and sometimes beef, suet or venison. Filed under Adjective, Definition, Gay, International, Male, Phrase, Slang, Verb and tagged: Actions, The Basics, Things I Do.

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